SCADA and Plant floor Data System:

Modern SCADA system are digital platforms, which can run locally or to a cloud environment to share real time data from plant process control variables, manufacturing plant data transmitted in real time to company stake holders in control rooms across the company network in an OT network backend. Engineers, technicians, operators can monitor data and take timely decisions to control manufacturing control points to optimize operation efficiency, perform quality controlin real time. Historian trending and tracking back in seconds to look at process variables has been the key importance of modern SCADA system features. In today’s manufacturing, timely data driven decision making is crucial to keep plant processes functioning at their optimal level, hence collecting data that drives well informed business decisions was not heard a short while back.
ControlSoft Canada, has worked with various SCADA manufacturers, within the Rockwell Automation, VTScada, Modicon, GE iFix system. Our controls engineers are highly experienced with PLC controlled systemsright from electrical system design, architect various industry network topology, field control sensors and load interfacing, PLC control software development, and integrating all process control tags to various SCADA system for data monitoring and control.
A smart and scalable SCADA system implementation could add significant value both top and bottom end for companies in revenue generation and profitability, hence its important to makethe right decision in correct SCADA system solution.
ControlSoft case study - ONE: Pharmaceutical company, Ontario Canada
A medium size pharmaceutical company decided to purchase a European brand ERP software system implementation, which was a cloud-based system. ERP system 80% plugin to integrate plant floor dataand process variables were incompatible.
ControlSoft Canada solution provided.
Our control engineers provided edge computing hardware interface layer between client cloud-based ERP system and plant control processors, our solution approach required produce-consume process data mapping interface between most of the plant PLC controllers and edge computing hardware. Once all the process data was captured at edge hardware, this was then fed back to client ERP system via OPC server link in real time.
System design, hardware setup and configuration, upgrades to existing plant PLC controllers and optimizing interface were completed in-house, within our control team members. Our solution provided still had 40% additional capacity for client further expansion needs. Our support team was on site during and after startup providing the vital service support required for client 24/7 operation. A support agreement was provided for additional onsite / remote support for smooth operation.
Our solution provided has made an enormous difference to how the business operated prior to this upgrade, and they see a big difference in efficiency in their business operation.

ControlSoft case study – TWO: High pressure hose manufacturer, Ontario Canada
Our client had a 30+ years old high pressure hose pipe manufacturing facility, with 80% manual operations which required constant tunning of process parameters to achieve the right chemistry in high pressure hose manufacturing process.
ControlSoft Canada was invited to upgrade all 6 lines [4 lines regular product HP hoses and 2 lines for custom specification HP hose production].
Our solution:
- Replace old electrical control panel with latest PLC based electrical control for HV & LV control of load.
- In the absence of much electrical drawings on the existing system, our electrical team was tasked to trace and generate firsthand electrical and control drawings to fall on and use as a baseline for the newly upgraded control panel design.
- Provided a local control operator touch panel control system with preprogrammed recipe for numerous HP hose product numbers with its individual setup parameters, operator would recall the product code for the HP hose to manufacture and define length of hoseand hit RUN.
- Our solution keptexisting process equipment the same, but we replaced the electrical and control system.
- All process parameters and variables were transmitted to anIgnition SCADA system at site server room for controls monitoring and historian data collection. ControlSoft Canadawas responsible for setting up the complete Ignition SCADA system.
- All six production lines could now be monitored and tuned for operation efficiencies and continuous quality control from one location in midst of client stake holders.