The Basic Concepts of Programming for Custom Control Panels

Control Panels


Control panels are the nerve center of modern industrial automation, providing required hardware platform, and a Human Machine Interface [HMI] allowing operators to monitor and manage complex systems efficiently. Programming custom control panels is a fundamental aspect of creating tailored solutions for specific industrial processes. In this blog, we will explore the basic concepts of programming for custom control panels and the key elements involved.


Understanding Control Panels

Control panel design and programming are specialized interfaces that provide operators with a unified hardware and software platform to control and monitor various elements of an industrial system. These panels can vary widely in complexity, from simple push-button panels to advanced Human-Machine Interfaces (HMIs) equipped with touchscreen displays.


Programming Control Panels: The Basics


Programming custom control panels involves writing code to ensure that the panel functions as intended. Here are the fundamental concepts to grasp:

Programming Language:

Control panels are typically housed with a programmable logic controller [PLC] mounted on their back panel along several input-output modules, Analog Modules, along with few communication interface cards, PLCs are programmed using specialized languages or software. The choice of programming language depends on the hardware and software components of the control panel. Some common languages include ladder logic, Structured Text (ST), Function Block Diagrams (FBD), and C/C++ in case of an IPC controller.

Input and Output (I/O) Handling:

Control panels interact with various sensors, switches, and actuators to monitor and control processes. Programming includes configuring these inputs and outputs, mapping them to specific functions, and defining their behavior based on the system’s requirements. When selecting specific input – output modules, a lot of electrical design work goes into selection of correct IO modules, depending on the sensors or load control interface electrical circuits, most common interfaces are PNP, NPN, relay contacts electrical interfaces. When controlling load which requires large current, its always a good design approach to use interface relays between the PLC OUT module and the load to be controlled.

Data Acquisition:

Custom control panels often require data from sensors and devices. The programming code must specify how data is collected, processed, and displayed on the panel’s interface. Real-time data acquisition is crucial for monitoring and making informed decisions. There is a lot of data processing goes into when dealing with different types of Analog signals like interfacing Analog signals off a RTD or a field sensor transmitting 4-20mA / 0-10VDC Analog out data signals. An important criterion in electrical design when selecting the right Analog IO modules for data acquisition is signal resolution selection, incorrect resolution type of Analog IO modules could deteriorate sensor signal quality.

Logic and Algorithms:

Control panels execute predefined logic and algorithms to control processes and respond to different scenarios. Programming entails designing and implementing these algorithms to ensure that the panel performs tasks accurately and efficiently. Control Engineers while programming a process depends on how good a Control Narrative of the required Process was documented and then converted to a Functional Design Document FDS by design authority. ControlSoft Canada Engineers take pride in following above narrative and FDS requirement generation when discussing any process control systems with our clients.

User Interface (UI) Design:

An intuitive and user-friendly UI is essential for effective control panels. Programming includes designing the layout, graphics, and interactivity of the panel’s interface. Touchscreen panels may require more complex UI programming to provide a seamless user experience. ControlSoft expertise as Systems Integrator & SCADA Integrator leverage our experience in providing a easier to follow user UX.

Error Handling:

Errors can occur during operations, and programming must account for them. Code should include error-handling mechanisms to detect, report, and address issues promptly. Error messages and alerts are crucial for operator awareness. ControlSoft software engineering team approach to minimize programming errors using well planned software testing methodology at various stages of product development.

Communication Protocols:

Many control panel design and programming need to communicate with other devices or systems, such as PLCs, SCADA systems, or even cloud platforms. Programming includes configuring communication protocols like Modbus, OPC, or MQTT to facilitate data exchange.

Security Measures:

Security is a paramount concern, especially in industrial settings. Programming code should incorporate security measures like user authentication, access control, and data encryption to protect the control panel from unauthorized access and cyber threats.


Real-World Applications

Custom control panels find applications in a wide range of industries, including manufacturing, energy, water treatment, and more. For instance, in manufacturing, control panels are used to operate production lines and machinery, while in the energy sector, they manage power distribution and monitoring. Water treatment plants rely on control panels to ensure safe and efficient processing of water resources.



Programming custom control panels is a complex but essential task in modern industrial automation. By understanding the basic concepts and principals involved, engineers and developers can create control panels that are tailored to specific industrial processes, enhancing efficiency, safety, and productivity. As technology continues to advance, control panel programming will remain a vital aspect of modern industrial automation, driving innovation and enabling more sophisticated control and monitoring solutions.

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